Summit's Street Sounds Kicks Off June 6th
Downtown Summit will be alive with music from 5-8 pm every Thursday and Friday night in June & July. Over 50 musicians will be playing along the streets of Summit and only blocks away from The Debary Inn.
Enjoy a meal, shop downtown Summit Businesses, and enjoy the music. Visit the Promenade on Springfield Ave, filled with tables and chairs for outdoor dining and a place to sit and enjoy the music.
Performers and locations are as follows:
Promenade (next to the fountain, 426 Springfield Ave)..... June 6-Rusty Monks/ June 7-Fishmarket Stew
Lyric Park (corner of Bank St & Beechwood)....June 6- Blue Sphere/ June 7-Circle Round the Sun
Starbucks (corner of Union & Beechwood).....June 6-Jeiris Cook/ June 7-Laredo
Horse trough (Near Pizza Vita, 7 Union Pl)...June 6-The dt's/June 7-Jessica Woodlee
Union Place ( in front of Jamie's Shoe Repair, 79 Union Pl) ....June 6- Brian Bauers
Springfield Ave (in front of Maison 53)....June 7- Matt& Rob